The idea was to make a cake as a contribution to Mother Earth. I wanted to do something creative with the focus on the whole process Earth is going through right now. The shift, changing, re-birthing, that we all face as a consequence of living our lives on her. And how we forget to pay our gratitude to her, taking her gifts and love for granted. We are all in this together, all of the creatures living on the planet, along with Mother earth. I don't even think she, herself knows the end of this story. Just that she has to go through this in the name of love and light. It is strange times that we are in now.. nothing will ever be the same again, and we are evolving as a species into something beyond beauty. But right now we are in the "the bumpy ride"section. I don't think Im the only one experience that "future" no longer exists. What we used to call "future" have changed into a big "now". Personally I can't see my future, can't visualize it any longer. It is as if the "future" is right up my face :) I don't see and feel "the past" either. Maybe that's why Im not sentimental of moving from a loved apartment after four long years?..
I see that evolutionising this cake has a meaning. Next time that I will make this cake and pimp it, I assume that the world will be a better place. Every day the world is a little bit better. Good gets better.
The cake is simple, a little "raw dessert old school" a la Anne Wigmore. I usually don't do these kind of desserts, I like it a bit more komplex. It's a base of pecans and dried fruits, and a chocolate frosting on top. Im planning to spice up the base, and make the frosting more like solid chocolate with acaíberry powder. It's lots of lúcuma in the base, jum...!
Love & light