Aloha beautiful beings!
Wonderful things have happened the past week. One of the best happened two days ago. I was biking home from the stables when I saw a malnourished, dirty cat with a wobbly walking. My heart was aching as I passed him, and for a split second I didn't see myself acting for his rescue. Then I woke up, and decided not to be one of those who passively passes by whit just a pity feeling. So I turned back, put him in my bag and took him home with me.
He threw himself over the food we gave him and ate 2 large portions, plus some turkey and cat cream. It's his third day in our home and we are doing everything to pamper him and try to put some weight on him. Besides cat food, he's fed yolk, virgin coconut oil (as it kills bacteria, viruses and fungus plus has an insane nutritional value and gives energy) and he's got worm medicine. I went to the police to report that I found this cat, and if the owner doesn't show up within three months, he's ours to keep :)
We think he's a norwegian forest cat, as he has extra claws as they do. He seems smart, a bit like a dog, ok - smarter, only that he does the things he feels like. And he's really cuddly, constantly purring and craves attention. He's got a big scar on his head too, I truly hope no one has hit him..
Now to the cake! I wanted to make a grand, epic layered cake again (it's an addiction of mine). This time nut free. Nut free, is the new black in the raw food community. Being such a young community, it's super sensitive to trends. Nut free is good if you have a certain condition as an allergy, food intolerance, if you want to loose weight, or have a sensitive digestive system that cant handle too much fat at the moment.
However, this cake is fat. The nuts in a regular raw cake, gives great stability. In the raw dessert kitchen, you really have two options, making nut free desserts. Make an ice cream-cake (which means that you loose flavor), or put lots of fat in the cake so it hardens in the fridge.
This cake is a bit of a crossbreed. You need to "take care" of the cake, meaning that if it's a warm day and you have it in room temperature, it will start to melt and loose form. You then need to eat it up quickly, or put it in the fridge / freezer. Alternatively, you make half the recipe to make a smaller cake.
But promise me to at least try out the 5 ingredient chocolate frosting, ok? :D You'll Love it!!
Layered Chocolate & Vanilla nut free cake
(for swedish, scroll down!)
For the base:
• 1 1/4 cup shredded coconuts (use a coffee grinder to make a coconut flour)
• 0.5 cup dates (pit and soak them 15-30 min) alternatively use figs, only soak them at least 30 min.
• a pinch pink Himalayan salt
First make a flour of the shredded coconuts. If you have an electric coffee grinder at home, use it. Otherwise make the flour in a food processor. Put a side in a bowl. Now make a date paste of the dates by processing them in a food processor. Use a spatula or spoon to help the processing. Add the coconut flour and salt. Process to incorporate, or use your hands. Press down the base in a spring pan and put in the fridge while, making the vanilla and chocolate layers.
Vanilla layer:
• 2 cups of water
• 1 cups of shredded coconuts
This is to be mixed very, very thoroughly, about 5-8 minutes. The water and coconut is not going to blend. When you see coconut butter start to form in the mixture it's time to add:
• 3 bananas (about 300 g totally)
• 2 small pinches of pink Himalayan salt
• 0.5 tsp real Vanilla
• 3 tsp light or transparent Agave, or the sweetener of your choice
• 0.5 cup melted Cacao butter (100 g of solid chopped Cacao butter)
• 2 tsp Sunflower lecitin (to make creamier and as an emulsifier)
The sunflower lecitin is to go in last. Blend well to incorporate. When you have a smooth filling, pour some of it over the base (about 1.5 cm / 0.5 inch) and put in the freezer to harden while you make the chocolate layer.
Chocolate layer:
• 400 g avocado (about 4 avocados)
• 1 cup raw Cacao powder
• 1.5 cup water
• 2 tbsp Mesquite powder
• 1/3 cup melted Cacao butter (70 g as hard)
• 7 tbsp Agave or the sweetener of your choice
• 2 pinches of pink Himalayan salt
• about 5 drops of Mint essenceMelt the coconut butter in a water bath (boil some water and put a plate or bowl on top, where you place the cacao butter, to slowly melt). Peel the avocados and put all of the ingredients in a food processor and mix to incorporate. Now, take out the spring pan from the freezer to check if the vanilla layer is hard enough for the chocolate layer to be spread on top. Feel with a finger so it's not too lose. If it is and you spread the chocolate layer on top, you will not get the straight stripe-effect when you cut the cake. Put the cake in the freezer for every layer (there will be 4 layers + the icing).
Chocolate icing:
• 1 cups virgin Coconut oil, about 200 g. (Hard but soft enough to scoop up with a spoon)
• 3-4 pinches of pink Himalayan salt
• 4 tbsp raw Cacao powder
• 2 cups of dates, pitted and soaked
• 6 tbsp water
This will be enough to coat the entire cake with frosting (recommended). If you only wish to coat the top, you only need half the recipe. Put all the ingredients in a food processor and mix very well, until you get a perfect, smooth consistency.
Take out the cake from the freezer, it doesn't need to be rock hard, but rather firm. Remove the spring pan and with a spatula or knife, spread the frosting on top of the cake and decorate with blackberries, blueberries or what you feel like. Thaw it enough so that you can cut pieces with a sharp knife, but be careful so that the cake is not too loose. Eat it immediately!
Feel free to share my blog and recipe with your friends!
If you like my recipes, you will love my ebook 'The Dessert Revolution'.
Nötfri Choklad- & Vaniljkaka
Du finner ingredienserna till kakan i min raw webbutik,
• 2.5 dl riven cocos
• 1 dl dadlar (urkärnade och blötlagda i 15-30 min)
• en nypa rosa Himalayasalt
Gör först ett mjöl av cocosflingorna. Om du har en elektrisk kaffekvarn så använd den, annars går det bra med en matberedare. Häll mjölet i en skål och ställ åt sidan. Gör en dadelpasta genom att mixa dadlarna i matberedaren. Hjälp till med en spatel eller sked för att få knivarna att snurra. Tillsätt mjöl och salt och fortsätt mixa eller blanda med händerna. Tryck ner degen i en form med löstagbar kant och ställ i kylen medan du gör vanilj och chokladlagren.
• 4 dl vatten
• 2 dl cocosflingor
Mixa noga i en matberedare, ca 5-8 min. Vattnet och cocosen kommer inte att blandas i det här stadiet, men du kommer få som en "cocos-smör" som flyter runt i vattnet. Då är det dags att tillsätta resten av ingredienserna:
• 3 bananer (ca 300 g)
• 2 nypor rosa Himalayasalt
• 0.5 tsk äkta vanilj
• 3 tsk Agave nektar
• 2 tsk Solroslecitin
• smält 100 g krossat Kakaosmör (blir 1 dl som smält)
Smält kakaosmöret i ett vattenbad. (koka upp vatten i en kastrull, lägg på en skål eller ett fat och placera kakaosmöret där tills det sakta smälter. Koka på svag värme, eller ställ kastrullen åt sidan och låt sakta smälta). Mixa alla ingredienser noga tills du får en krämig smet. Häll ca 1,5 cm av smeten över kakbottnen och ställ i frysen. Fortsätt med chokladfyllningen.
• 70 g Kakaosmör smältes (ska bli 0.75 dl som flytande)
• 400 g avocado (ca 4 st avocados)
• 2 nypor rosa Himalayasalt
• 2.5 dl vatten
• 7 msk Agave nektar
• 2 dl raw Kakaopulver
• 2 msk Mesquitepulver
• smaka av med ca 5 droppar mint essens (för att dölja den gröna avocado-smaken)
Titta till kakan i frysen, om vaniljlagret har blivit hårt. Det behöver inte vara jättehårt, men hårt nog att inte ge vika när chokladfyllningen ska bres över. Annars får du inte raka ränder när du skär upp kakan.
Bre över ca 1.5 cm av chokladfyllningen över vanljfyllningen och ställ i frysen. När den blivit hård, brer du på det sista av vaniljfyllningen, ställer i frysen tills hård och brer därefter över det sista av chokladfyllningen. Under tiden du väntar på att smetarna ska hårdna kan du göra chokladglasyren!
Det här receptet ger tillräckligt med glassyr för att täckas hela kakan (rekommenderas), om du bara vill ha glassyr på toppen av kakan, eller bara äta glassyren som den är, kan du halvera receptet. Den är smakintensiv och balanserar upp smakerna från choklad och vanilj-fyllningarna.
• 2 dl (ca 200 g) kallpressad Cocosolja (hård men mjuk nog att gröpa upp med en sked)
• 3-4 nypor rosa Himalayasalt
• 4 msk raw Kakaopulver
• 4 dl dadlar (urkärnade och blötlagda i ca 20 min)
• 6 msk vatten
Tillsätt alla ingredienser i en matberedare och mixa noga tills du har en krämig, och helt perfekt glasyr.
Ta ut kakan från frysen och bred på glasyren över med en spatel eller kniv. Glasyren kommer hårdna ganska snabbt eftersom kakan är kall. Låt kakan tina nog för att skäras upp med en vass kniv och ät upp den omedelbart. Låt den inte bli för varm för då smälter den bort :)
Dela gärna receptet och blogen med dina vänner.
Ta gärna en titt på min recept e-bok, 'The Dessert Revolution' med fler raw desserter!