Hi sweethearts, I've missed you! How's life??
I'm enjoying the first month of the new year. New beginnings, action, planning, change.. Things I love, and ever since I can recall, I've always loved the energy of January. As me and Jakob is definitely found in the file "workoholics", as we have two small business to nurture. Some readjustments in our lifestyle would be welcome. Working til 4 in the morning, getting up at noon, for a couple of months now (though always with a smile, we love our lazy mornings), we could definitely benefit from more balance in our life. Earlier I was a little bit of a "health and order" natzi. I didn't ate a nano particle that weren't "right", and I had excellent routines. I didn't realize then, that I had prisoned myself with my high health ambitions, and that it was liming me and also boring me to death. Then Jakob came into my life with different routines and it gave me the blessing of seeing myself from a distance.
Balance... Is my new mantram for 2012. For you who also have your own small business in the startup, or if you have a family with kids, (which is basically the same thing) you know how hard it can be to achieve balance, to meet every need, go to bed fully satisfied, and wake up with a burning desire to get on with the day.
Have you read my latest article over at The Living Kitchen Wellness? I'm writing about intuitive eating. You see.. I don't believe in a mentally ambitious approach to eating healthy. If your approach to eating is up in your head, it can't be intuitive. Intuition is found in the body. That means, forget about everything you have read, reset your brain, empty your cup, and start to feel, listen to the signals from your body instead. I too believe that the body is as strong and flexible as you imagine it to be. And this is NOT what I have been thought while being 100% vegan, raw. Rather the opposite actually. That the body is going to react badly if you expose it to "bad food".
I believe that mind rules over matter, and that your cells can be programmed by your thoughts. The body will still need nutrients, but eating 100% correct is no guarantee for happiness and health. Balance is the key here aswell. Find a way to eat that you are satisfied with, with the essential nutrients, and as long as you feel healthy all is Ok. Tell your body that all is Ok, it will hold your thoughts as truth. This is why I'm skeptical to all the raw people out there who are so "clean and pure" that they can't eat even a small bite of meat, cooked food or a piece of candy before they need to be hospitalized more or less.. Is that to have a strong and flexible body? It's more like a weak body to me. A over protected body that can't walk without crouches. Don't get me wrong, the body has different periods of needs. Some periods I eat mostly fruits, some I want liquid plant food, and some periods I want warm, cooked food. I also eat quality meat and eggs, as some animal products is one of the foods that my body best can digest (I've seen it in my frequency healing sessions, QXCI system). If you know that your body can't handle animal products very well - don't eat it. Never force your body, be gentle and receptive.
Have you seen this TED talker-genious woman, Dr. Lissa Rankin? She's all about mind over matter, and talks about that if you are not living Your Truth.. It doesn't matter how well you eat, you will have ailments piling up like the bills in January. It seems that some people just draws pains, aches and illness to them. They have a full packed bio of every problem (that they LOVE to tell to each and every one). A sickness story. And nobody wants to hear about it, as is oozes bad vibes, and holds that person in the past, in the state of sickness, instead of health.
Anyhow. Here's the latest dessert from the kitchen. A Lucuma ice cream swirled with a blackberry sauce. Fun, easy and delicious. Remember the post of a Banana split recipe I did last summer? You make one batch of the lucuma ice cream (but with some small adjustments) and make a blackberry sause and swirl it! Easy peasy :)
Swirled January Bliss Blackberry Ice Cream
Makes two servings, very filling. Nut free. (in Swedish further down)
The Lucuma Ice Cream
Grind into a fine flour:
• 0.5 cup Pumkin seeds
(use an electric coffee grinder, a high powered blender or your food processor)
To the food processor add:
• the Pumkin seed flour
• 3 bananas (about 100 g each)
• 5 tablespoons Lucuma
• 3 tablespoons Mesquite
• 0.5 teaspoon real Vanilla
• 2 pinches of Himalayan salt
• 1 cup Water
• 1 tablespoon of light Agave
Process until creamy.
• Add 0.5 cup of melted VIRGIN Coconut oil (otherwise you loose so much of the great taste, as non-raw coconut oil doesn't taste of anything).
Process until smooth. If you want, you can place the Fudge Ice cream batch from the food processor in a bowl, and just add to the empty food processor the soaked Figs to make a fig-paste, before you add the rest of the ingredients. In that way you ensure that there will be no bits of the figs in your ice cream.
The Blackberry Sauce
• 1 cup frozen or fresh Blackberries.
Process into liquid in a food processor or blender. If frozen, thaw them until they reach room temperature. If they are cold, you risk getting lumps when you swirl.
The Swirling Process
Don't be scared, this is so much fun! You will feel like a proper artist when you see the final result. Pour almost all of the Lucuma ice cream into a rectangular container. With a spoon, add some of the Blackberry sauce on top. A bit like adding jam to a bowl of yoghurt. Then draw large circles with a fork or knife. You can now add a tablespoon of the Lucuma ice cream where there's larger parts of Blackberry sauce and swirl some more, and the other way around. Don't overdo it, keep it simple, otherwise the colors will mix into a light purple color, you want a clear swirl.
Love and Raw Ice cream!
/Karolina Eleonóra
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Marmorerad Januari Bliss Björnbärsglass
Mal till fint mjöl:
• 1 dl Pumpafrön
Använd en elektrisk kaffekvarn, en kraftfull mixer eller din matberedare.
Tillsätt till matberedaren:
• Pumpafrö-mjölet
• 3 bananer (ca 300 g totalt)
• 4-5 msk Lucuma
• 3 msk Mesquite
• 0.5 tsk äkta Vanilj
Mixa tills slät. Tillsätt då:
Raffinerad Cocosolja (varmpressad) smakar ingenting, så använd hellre raw/virgin Cocosolja i recepten för att få fram de utsökta smaker som kommer av cocosen. Mixa ihop smeten, max 30 sek mixande. Häll hälften av Kolaglassen i en skål och ställ i frysen.
• 2 dl frysta eller färska Björnbär
Om bären är frysta behöver de tinas till rumtemperatur eftersom kalla bär riskerar att göra swirlingen klumpig då cocosoljan blir kall. Mixa bären i en matberedare eller blender tills slät.
Var inte rädd. Detta är kul och enkelt! När du är färdig kommer du känna dig som en riktig konstnär.
Häll först i nästan allt av Lucumaglassen i en avlång form. Ta sen några matskedar av Björnbärssåsen och häll en i varje hörn och nån i mitten. Sen drar du stora cirklar med en gaffel eller kniv. Där det blivit större partier av Björnbärssås kan du tillsätta en tsk / msk Lucuma glass och marmorera, eller tvärt om, där det blivit ett större parti Lucumaglass kan du tillsätta Björnbärssås. Marmorera inte för mycket, då får du ett suddigt mönster när färgerna blandas. Håll det enkelt så får du starkast färgkontrast.
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1 comment:
<3 So impressed with the pic with you and the two flowers!!! A very gentle loving text aswell:) Thank you for sharing goddess!
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